Why Elmundo
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CIRCULATION - El Mundo Newspaper is Nevada’s oldest and most read Spanish Language Newspaper, one of the Largest in Southern Nevada and the only 100% Hispanic owned publication with a verified audit circulation. El Mundo Newspaper has the highest pick up rate in the county, 99.8% reaching 68% of the total Hispanic Market.
REPUTATION - Since 1980 the El Mundo is known as the Community Newspaper in Las Vegas. Awarded “The Leading Hispanic Newspaper in Nevada” and “Best Hispanic Print Media” by the Latin Chamber of Commerce, with Senatorial and Congressional Recognition for community service. El Mundo is a recipient of 35 National Hispanic Print Awards.
DISTRIBUTION - County wide distribution can be found in some mainstream locations such as: Von’s, Smart & Final, Big Lots and all major Hispanic Grocery Stores like Mariana’s, La Bonita, Mercado Del Pueblo, Liborio Markets as well as several hispanic business. * CVC Certified Audit Circulation, a must in Hispanic print.
The Hispanic Community presently numbers 450,000 and is growing five (5) times faster than any other ethnic group. With this tremendous growth in our community comes the traditional values and hard work of Hispanics who want only the finest things in life for their family. Hispanics tend to be very loyal and when pleased with a product or service will usually return again and again.If you want your service or product to be know in the Hispanic world, El Mundo is your answer.
Don't Gamble with your money on less known publications
Trust the Most Read Hispanic Publication in Southern Nevada Since 1980
550,000 plus Hispanics... Impressive Numbers!
Over 550,000 plus Hispanics call Las Vegas home. Unofficially those numbers will increase up to 600,000. In the past 16 years the Clark County Hispanic Population has grown by over 500%. Results from the last Census Report will certainly surprise many. In fact, Las Vegas is the fastest growing Hispanic market in the United States.
Guess What? They Prefer to speak Spanish!
Spanish is the language of choice in Las Vegas Hispanic households. 62% of Hispanic households speak ONLY Spanish at home. An Additional 12% speak an equal amount of English and Spanish. 94% of Hispanics born in the U.S. are taught and learn Spanish before they learn English. 69% of Hispanics prefer to be marketed in Spanish.
Hispanic Population Has Doubled!
The Las Vegas Hispanic population has grown 135% from 1980 to 1990, and 130.2% from 1990 to 1997. Hispanics now account for over 23% of the Las Vegas population, and are expected to grow to represent 25% within the next three
years. Hispanics are by far the fastest growing segment of population.
Las Vegas Hispanics spend $15 Million Dollars a Day.